welcome to my website! (under construction)

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here's how you can make bold and italic text.

here's how you can add an image:

here's how to make a list:

  1. first thing
  2. second thing
    • thing
    • thing
    • thing
  3. third thing

to learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

cool album

blockquote and q are used for quotations. blockquote is generally used for standalone often multi-line quotations whereas q is used for shorter, in-line quotations.

[Big old quotation about evolution]
Charles Darwin

If you add the line givevaderachuckle = true; to the destroy_planet subroutine and then type ilovejabba into the console, the big bad green Death Star laser will etch Slug Lover! on the planet's surface.

        <div id="intro">
            <h1>Some heading</h1>
            <p>Some paragraph paragraph thing thing thingy.</p>
some random table
Column 1 heading Column 2 heading Column 3 heading
a1 b1, c1
a2, a3 b2 c2
b3 c3

some random form

note: it looks the part, but won't do anything.


how are you?:





what's your favorite color?

is this form cool?

Some random glossary thing

Abbreviation for HyperText Markup Language - a language used to make web pages.
Any carnivorous animal belonging to the family Canidae.
The domesticated sub-species of the family Canidae, Canis lupus familiaris.
Moo juice
Cat beer
A white liquid produced by cows and used for human consumption.


Image of ballons flying over canyons with mask pattern one.


Visit Melonking.Net! En Route To 16 (cool webcomic)

background image by Alex Noriega